Welcome to our blog, each post filled with information about everything from the world of ethical fashion, skin, sun and fabric…

The Sun Leopard

Accepting Stress

Accepting Stress

Stress. We are constantly told it does us no good and that we should avoid it at all costs. Bad for our mental health, physical health, relationships, need I go...

Accepting Stress

Stress. We are constantly told it does us no good and that we should avoid it at all costs. Bad for our mental health, physical health, relationships, need I go...

Solpardus Favourites psoriasis friendly natural nail varnish - sunflower

Solpardus Favourites - Nail Varnish

In a world of lotions and potions all geared towards nurturing our bodies, the health of our nails is often overlooked. We are constantly urged to take care of our...

Solpardus Favourites - Nail Varnish

In a world of lotions and potions all geared towards nurturing our bodies, the health of our nails is often overlooked. We are constantly urged to take care of our...

Body dancing in the sun on the beach ready to catch some sun and get a tan

Solpardus Favourites - Self Tan

  After soaking up the benefits of the sun for 15 minutes or so we need to load up on suncream and protect our skin. Here are a few of our...

Solpardus Favourites - Self Tan

  After soaking up the benefits of the sun for 15 minutes or so we need to load up on suncream and protect our skin. Here are a few of our...

Hands embracing the sun

Solpardus Favourites - Sun Cream

We need to remember to be armed with our favourite sun cream to cover up once we have reaped the sun’s benefits. Here are our favourites that are both gentle on skin...

Solpardus Favourites - Sun Cream

We need to remember to be armed with our favourite sun cream to cover up once we have reaped the sun’s benefits. Here are our favourites that are both gentle on skin...